Items burning mechanism

1.-Use the data and search for the most abundant item on game

2.-Set a healthy circulating value for this object. For example, crafting gear items should be burned as soon as possible given the current state of the game (most of the active players with end gear already crafted) you can compare the amount in circulation with the number of new players per day and set a desired circulation value.

3.- With the desired circulation value number you set a weekly burn value, and you divide that by the active number of players.

4.- Then you give Takeda that magic number and make him ask us for that item in exchange of pioneer credits.

Atm we have an insane amount of chronocrystal circulating due the mining rush.

Take for example the Bolt state atm, people are starting to trade it in the exchange channel actively giving the economy healthy state now imagine putting those in the AMM.

The iron in the AMM is recovering but we still have a ton from the mining rush.

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💡 Feature Request


12 days ago



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