Implement difficulty options and shorten Playa runs

Currently a successful dungeon run takes quite a long time, sometimes 30+ minutes. Previously, someone suggested tiered difficulties.

I propose that we kill two birds with one stone and shorten the Playa run time to 15-20 minutes, with successful runs unlocking a higher difficulty level (stronger/more diverse enemies, storm deals more damage, etc.) with better rewards (higher item drop rates, mining node spawns, rare resource node procs, etc.), similar to how Hades and other roguelites function.

The difficulty modifications could be discrete (e.g., tiers/prestiges) or custom (think the Heat system in Hades where you select any number/intensity of modifiers for a proportional increase to item drop rate etc.).

There are plenty of obvious modifiers (e.g., increased enemy stats) but the team could get creative with the modifiers as well (e.g., double bosses in boss rooms, add obstacles to the playable area to restrict movement, enemies gain an additional attack type, etc.) which would be quite fun.

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💡 Feature Request


About 2 months ago



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